There were many things that went through my mind as I read about the differences between the right brain and the left brain. I must say that I found myself thinking more as I read Teaching for Historical Literacy. I must say that presentation to all types of learners is key to a successful lesson. What I worried about more was the fact that so much has been removed from education. Social Studies and Science are being squeezed in and in many schools Art, Music, Physical Education and Library have been removed completely for many school districts. I guess what many are forgetting is that being educated goes beyond just reading, writing and arithmetic. Those are key parts of learning but, it is also our job to create well-rounded students. They need to be able to understand many aspects of the world. If we want our students to be productive in the world they need to understand the world. If our students don't understand the past then they won't understand what needs to be done in the future so those same mistakes are not repeated.
Brian and Me

Great Hubby!
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Culminating Activities
In second grade we needed to read to stories in our reading unit that had a similar topic - vegetables and fruits. So we decided to spice the lesson up by having the students watch and be part of the complete process of growing fruits and vegetables. We started with having the students sprout a lima bean and then grow their own lima bean plant. After we completed that activity we finished the unit by having a vegetable and fruit show and tell day and then a tasting day. On show and tell the students brought one fruit or vegetable to show the classes. They needed to give a few facts about the item. It was a great way for the students to learn about new fruits and vegetables. The tasting day was amazing. I couldn't believe the items that came in and how many students were willing to try new things. I think the most unique was chocolate pudding made with avocados. The unit really showed us how to expand on the lesson and see the benefits of hands on activities.
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